Preventing unexpected costsedit

It is important to monitor the Elastic Serverless Forwarder Lambda function for timeouts to prevent unexpected costs. You can use the AWS Lambda integration for this. If the timeouts are constant, you should throttle the Lambda function to stop its execution before proceeding with any troubleshooting steps. In most cases, constant timeouts will cause the records and messages from the event triggers to go back to their sources and trigger the function again, which will cause further timeouts and force a loop that will incure unexpected high costs. For more information on throttling Lambda functions, refer to AWS docs.

Increase debug informationedit

To help with debugging, you can increase the amount of logging detail by adding an environment variable as follows:

  1. Select the serverless forwarder application from Lambda > Functions
  2. Click Configuration and select Environment Variables and choose Edit
  3. Click Add environment variable and enter LOG_LEVEL as Key and DEBUG as Value and click Save