Logstash 8.10.3 Release Notes

Logstash 8.10.3 Release Notes

Known issues

These plugins may fail in Logstash 8.10.3:

  • Avro codec plugin. The avro codec plugin may fail with an (Errno::ENOENT) No such file or directory error #42. This issue has been resolved in plugin v3.4.1 #43.
  • Imap input plugin. Due to JRuby upgrade, the plugin is broken and will be unbundled. Details and updates are available in GitHub issue #61.
  • Email output plugin. Plugin raises LoadError: no such file to load -- net/smtp runtime error. See the issue details and work around in GitHub issue #68.


Elasticsearch Filter - 3.15.3

  • Fixes a memory leak that occurs when a pipeline containing this filter terminates, which could become significant if the pipeline is cycled repeatedly #173

Useragent Filter - 3.3.5

  • Upgrade snakeyaml dependency #89

Beats Input - 6.6.4

  • [DOC] Fix misleading enrich/source_data input beats documentation about the Logstash host. #478

Elastic_serverless_forwarder Input - 0.1.3

  • Deprecates the ssl option in favor of ssl_enabled #6
  • Bumps logstash-input-http gem version to >= 3.7.2 (SSL-normalized)

Aws Integration - 7.1.6

  • Clean up plugin created temporary dirs at startup #39

Jdbc Integration - 5.4.5

  • Pin sequel to < 5.72.0 due to ruby/bigdecimal#169 #141

Kafka Integration - 11.3.1

  • Fix: update snappy dependency #148