APM app settings


APM app settingsedit

You do not need to configure any settings to use the APM app. It is enabled by default.

APM Indicesedit

Index defaults can be changed in the APM app. Select Settings > Indices. Index settings in the APM app take precedence over those set in kibana.yml.

APM app settings in Kibana

General APM settingsedit

If you’d like to change any of the default values, copy and paste the relevant settings into your kibana.yml configuration file. Changing these settings may disable features of the APM App.

xpack.apm.enabled logo cloud
[7.16.0] Deprecated in 7.16.0. In 8.0 and later, this setting will no longer be supported. Set to false to disable the APM app. Defaults to true.
xpack.apm.maxServiceEnvironments logo cloud
Maximum number of unique service environments recognized by the UI. Defaults to 100.
xpack.apm.serviceMapFingerprintBucketSize logo cloud
Maximum number of unique transaction combinations sampled for generating service map focused on a specific service. Defaults to 100.
xpack.apm.serviceMapFingerprintGlobalBucketSize logo cloud
Maximum number of unique transaction combinations sampled for generating the global service map. Defaults to 100.
xpack.apm.serviceMapEnabled logo cloud
Set to false to disable service maps. Defaults to true.
xpack.apm.serviceMapTraceIdBucketSize logo cloud
Maximum number of trace IDs sampled for generating service map focused on a specific service. Defaults to 65.
xpack.apm.serviceMapTraceIdGlobalBucketSize logo cloud
Maximum number of trace IDs sampled for generating the global service map. Defaults to 6.
xpack.apm.serviceMapMaxTracesPerRequest logo cloud
Maximum number of traces per request for generating the global service map. Defaults to 50.
xpack.apm.ui.enabled logo cloud
Set to false to hide the APM app from the main menu. Defaults to true.
xpack.apm.ui.transactionGroupBucketSize logo cloud
Number of top transaction groups displayed in the APM app. Defaults to 1000.
xpack.apm.ui.maxTraceItems logo cloud
Maximum number of child items displayed when viewing trace details. Defaults to 1000.
xpack.observability.annotations.index logo cloud
Index name where Observability annotations are stored. Defaults to observability-annotations.
xpack.apm.metricsInterval logo cloud
Sets a fixed_interval for date histograms in metrics aggregations. Defaults to 30.
xpack.apm.agent.migrations.enabled logo cloud
Set to false to disable cloud APM migrations. Defaults to true.
xpack.apm.indices.error logo cloud
Matcher for all error indices. Defaults to logs-apm*,apm-*.
xpack.apm.indices.onboarding logo cloud
Matcher for all onboarding indices. Defaults to apm-*.
xpack.apm.indices.span logo cloud
Matcher for all span indices. Defaults to traces-apm*,apm-*.
xpack.apm.indices.transaction logo cloud
Matcher for all transaction indices. Defaults to traces-apm*,apm-*.
xpack.apm.indices.metric logo cloud
Matcher for all metrics indices. Defaults to metrics-apm*,apm-*.
xpack.apm.indices.sourcemap logo cloud
Matcher for all source map indices. Defaults to apm-*.
xpack.apm.autocreateApmIndexPattern logo cloud
Set to false to disable the automatic creation of the APM index pattern when the APM app is opened. Defaults to true.