
Scoped servicesedit

Whenever Kibana needs to get access to data saved in elasticsearch, it should perform a check whether an end-user has access to the data. In the legacy platform, Kibana requires binding elasticsearch related API with an incoming request to access elasticsearch service on behalf of a user.

async function handler(req, res) {
  const dataCluster = server.plugins.elasticsearch.getCluster('data');
  const data = await dataCluster.callWithRequest(req, 'ping');

The Kibana Platform introduced a handler interface on the server-side to perform that association internally. Core services, that require impersonation with an incoming request, are exposed via context argument of the request handler interface. The above example looks in the Kibana Platform as

async function handler(context, req, res) {
  const data = await context.core.elasticsearch.client.asCurrentUser('ping');

The request handler context exposed the next scoped core services:

Legacy Platform Kibana Platform









Declare a custom scoped serviceedit

Plugins can extend the handler context with a custom API that will be available to the plugin itself and all dependent plugins. For example, the plugin creates a custom elasticsearch client and wants to use it via the request handler context:

import type { CoreSetup, IScopedClusterClient } from 'kibana/server';

export interface MyPluginContext {
  client: IScopedClusterClient;

// extend RequestHandlerContext when a dependent plugin imports MyPluginContext from the file
declare module 'kibana/server' {
  interface RequestHandlerContext {
    myPlugin?: MyPluginContext;

class MyPlugin {
  setup(core: CoreSetup) {
    const client = core.elasticsearch.createClient('myClient');
    core.http.registerRouteHandlerContext('myPlugin', (context, req, res) => {
      return { client: client.asScoped(req) };
    const router = core.http.createRouter();
      { path: '/api/my-plugin/', validate: … },
      async (context, req, res) => {
        const data = await context.myPlugin.client.asCurrentUser('endpoint');