Create or update synonym rule


Create or update synonym ruleedit

Creates or updates a synonym rule for a synonym set.


PUT _synonyms/<synonyms_set>/<synonym_rule>


Requires the manage_search_synonyms cluster privilege.

Path parametersedit

(Required, string) Synonyms set identifier to update.
(Required, string) Synonym rule identifier to create or update.

Request bodyedit


(Required, string) The synonym rule definition. This needs to be in Solr format. Some examples are:

  • "i-pod, i pod ⇒ ipod",
  • "universe, cosmos"


The following example updates an existing synonym rule called test-1 for the synonyms set my-synonyms-set:

response = client.synonyms.put_synonym_rule(
  set_id: 'my-synonyms-set',
  rule_id: 'test-1',
  body: {
    synonyms: 'hello, hi, howdy'
puts response
PUT _synonyms/my-synonyms-set/test-1
  "synonyms": "hello, hi, howdy"
  "result": "updated",
  "reload_analyzers_details": {
    "_shards": {
      "total": 2,
      "successful": 1,
      "failed": 0
    "reload_details": [
        "index": "test-index",
        "reloaded_analyzers": [
        "reloaded_node_ids": [

All analyzers using this synonyms set will be reloaded automatically to reflect the new rule.

If any of the synonym rules included is invalid, the API will return an error.

PUT _synonyms/my-synonyms-set/test-1
  "synonyms": "hello => hi => howdy"
  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "action_request_validation_exception",
        "reason": "Validation Failed: 1: More than one explicit mapping specified in the same synonyms rule: [hello => hi => howdy];",
        "stack_trace": ...
    "type": "action_request_validation_exception",
    "reason": "Validation Failed: 1: More than one explicit mapping specified in the same synonyms rule: [hello => hi => howdy];",
    "stack_trace": ...
  "status": 400