Elasticsearch version 8.9.0


Elasticsearch version 8.9.0edit

Also see Breaking changes in 8.9.

Known issuesedit

  • Question Answering fails on long input text. If the context supplied to the task is longer than the model’s max_sequence_length and truncate is set to none then inference fails with the message question answering result has invalid dimension. (issue: #97917)
  • High Memory Pressure due to a GC JVM setting change

    This version of Elasticsearch is bundled with JDK 20. In JDK 20 Preventive GC is disabled by default. This may lead to increased memory pressure and an increased number of CircuitBreakerExceptions when retrieving large documents under some load patterns. (issue: #99592)

    If this change affects your use of Elasticsearch, consider re-enabling the previous behaviour by adding the JVM arguments -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+G1UsePreventiveGC (reference: JDK 20 release notes). It is important to note that this workaround is temporary and works only with JDK 20, which is bundled with Elasticsearch up to version 8.10.2 inclusive. Successive versions are bundling JDK 21+, where this setting has been removed. Specifying those JVM arguments will prevent the JVM (and therefore Elasticsearch Nodes) from starting.

Breaking changesedit

  • Switch TDigestState to use HybridDigest by default #96904

Bug fixesedit

  • Attempt to fix delay allocation #95921
  • Fix NPE in Desired Balance API #97775
  • Fix autoexpand during node replace #96281
  • Resolving wildcard application names without prefix query #96479 (issue: #96465)
  • Fix retry_on_conflict parameter in update API to not retry indefinitely #96262
  • Handle failure in TransportUpdateAction#handleUpdateFailureWithRetry #97290 (issue: #97286)
Cluster Coordination
  • Avoid getStateForMasterService where possible #97304
  • Become candidate on publication failure #96490 (issue: #96273)
  • Fix cluster settings update task acknowledgment #97111
Data streams
  • Accept timestamp as object at root level #97401
  • Fix bug when creating empty geo_lines #97509 (issue: #97311)
  • Fix time-series geo_line to include reduce phase in MergedGeoLines #96953 (issue: #96983)
  • Support for Byte and Short as vector tiles features #97619 (issue: #97612)
  • Limit the details field length we store for each SLM invocation #97038 (issue: #96918)
  • Capture max processors in static init #97119 (issue: #97088)
  • Interpret microseconds cpu stats from cgroups2 properly as nanos #96924 (issue: #96089)
  • Add slf4j-nop in order to prevent startup warnings #95459
  • Fix tchar pattern in RestRequest #96406
  • Fix Painless method lookup over unknown super interfaces #97062 (issue: #97022)
  • Enable validation for versionSettings #95874 (issue: #95873)
Ingest Node
  • Fixing DateProcessor when the format is epoch_millis #95996
  • Fixing GeoIpDownloaderStatsAction$NodeResponse serialization by defensively copying inputs #96777 (issue: #96438)
  • Trim field references in reroute processor #96941 (issue: #96939)
Machine Learning
  • Catch exceptions thrown during inference and report as errors #2542
  • Fix WordPiece tokenization where stripping accents results in an empty string #97354
  • Improve model downloader robustness #97274
  • Prevent high memory usage by evaluating batch inference singularly #2538
  • Avoid stack overflow while parsing mapping #95705 (issue: #52098)
  • Fix mapping parsing logic to determine synthetic source is active #97355 (issue: #97320)
  • Fix sub_searches serialization bug #97587
  • Promptly fail recovery from snapshot #96421 (issue: #95525)
  • Prevent instantiation of top_metrics when sub-aggregations are present #96180 (issue: #95663)
  • Set new providers before building FetchSubPhaseProcessors #97460 (issue: #96284)
  • Fix blob cache races/assertion errors #96458
  • Fix reused/recovered bytes for files that are only partially recovered from cache #95987 (issues: #95970, #95994)
  • Fix reused/recovered bytes for files that are recovered from cache #97278 (issue: #95994)
  • Refactor RestoreClusterStateListener to use ClusterStateObserver #96662 (issue: #96425)
  • Error message for misconfigured TSDB index #96956 (issue: #96445)
  • Min score for time series #96878
Task Management
  • Improve cancellability in TransportTasksAction #96279
  • Improve reporting status of the transform that is about to finish #95672


  • Add cluster setting to SearchExecutionContext to configure TDigestExecutionHint #96943
  • Add support for dynamic pruning to cardinality aggregations on low-cardinality keyword fields #92060
  • Make TDigestState configurable #96794
  • Skip SortingDigest when merging a large digest in HybridDigest #97099
  • Support value retrieval in top_hits #95828
  • Take into account expectedShardSize when initializing shard in simulation #95734
  • Create .synonyms system index #95548
  • Add template parameters to Search Applications #95674
  • Chunk profiling stacktrace response #96340
  • [Profiling] Add status API #96272
  • [Profiling] Allow to upgrade managed ILM policy #96550
  • [Profiling] Introduce ILM for K/V indices #96268
  • [Profiling] Require POST to retrieve stacktraces #96790
  • [Profiling] Tweak default ILM policy #96516
  • [Search Applications] Support arrays in stored mustache templates #96197
  • Header validator with Security #95112
  • Add Search ALC filter index prefix to the enterprise search user #96885
  • Ensure checking application privileges work with nested-limited roles #96970
  • Add shard explain info to ReactiveReason about unassigned shards #88590 (issue: #85243)
  • Add auto force merge functionality to DLM #95204
  • Adding data_lifecycle to the _xpack/usage API #96177
  • Adding manage_data_stream_lifecycle index privilege and expanding view_index_metadata for access to data stream lifecycle APIs #95512
  • Allow for the data lifecycle and the retention to be explicitly nullified #95979
Data streams
  • Add support for logs@custom component template for `logs-- data streams #95481 (issue: #95469)
  • Adding ECS dynamic mappings component and applying it to logs data streams by default #96171 (issue: #95538)
  • Adjust ECS dynamic templates to support subobjects: false #96712
  • Automatically parse log events in logs data streams, if their message field contains JSON content #96083 (issue: #95522)
  • Change default of ignore_malformed to true in logs-*-* data streams #95329 (issue: #95224)
  • Set @timestamp for documents in logs data streams if missing and add support for custom pipeline #95971 (issues: #95537, #95551)
  • Update data streams implicit timestamp ignore_malformed settings #96051
  • Cache modification time of translog writer file #95107
  • Trigger refresh when shard becomes search active #96321 (issue: #95544)
  • Add brute force approach to GeoHashGridTiler #96863
  • Asset tracking - geo_line in time-series aggregations #94954
  • Chunk the GET _ilm/policy response #97251 (issue: #96569)
  • Move get lifecycle API to Management thread pool and make cancellable #97248 (issue: #96568)
  • Reduce WaitForNoFollowersStep requests indices shard stats #94510
Indices APIs
  • Bootstrap profiling indices at startup #95666
Infra/Node Lifecycle
  • SIGTERM node shutdown type #95430
Ingest Node
  • Add mappings for enrich fields #96056
  • Ingest: expose reroute inquiry/reset via Elastic-internal API bridge #96958
Machine Learning
  • Improved compliance with memory limitations #2469
  • Improve detection of calendar cyclic components with long bucket lengths #2493
  • Improve detection of time shifts, for example for daylight saving #2479
  • Allow unsigned long field to use decay functions #96394 (issue: #89603)
  • Add multiple queries for ranking to the search endpoint #96224
  • Implement StartRecoveryRequest#getDescription #95731
  • Add search shards endpoint #94534
  • Don’t generate stacktrace in EarlyTerminationException and TimeExceededException #95910
  • Feature/speed up binary vector decoding #96716
  • Improve brute force vector search speed by using Lucene functions #96617
  • Include search idle info to shard stats #95740 (issue: #95727)
  • Integrate CCS with new search_shards API #95894 (issue: #93730)
  • Introduce a filtered collector manager #96824
  • Introduce minimum score collector manager #96834
  • Skip shards when querying constant keyword fields #96161 (issue: #95541)
  • Support CCS minimize round trips in async search #96012
  • Support for patter_replace filter in keyword normalizer #96588
  • Support null_value for rank_feature field type #95811
  • Add "_storage" internal user #95694
  • Reduce overhead in blob cache service get #96399
  • Add ingest information to the cluster info endpoint #96328 (issue: #95392)
  • Add script information to the cluster info endpoint #96613 (issue: #95394)
  • Add thread_pool information to the cluster info endpoint #96407 (issue: #95393)
  • Feature: include unit support for time series rate aggregation #96605 (issue: #94630)
Vector Search
  • Leverage SIMD hardware instructions in Vector Search #96453 (issue: #96370)

New featuresedit

  • Enable analytics geoip in behavioral analytics #96624
  • Support restricting access of API keys to only certain workflows #96744
Data streams
  • Adding ability to auto-install ingest pipelines and refer to them from index templates #95782
  • Enhance ILM Health Indicator #96092
Infra/Node Lifecycle
  • Gracefully shutdown elasticsearch #96363
  • [Fleet] Add .fleet-secrets system index #95625 (issue: #95143)
Machine Learning
  • Add support for xlm_roberta tokenized models #94089
  • Removes the technical preview admonition from query_vector_builder docs #96735
  • Add repo throttle metrics to node stats api response #96678 (issue: #89385)


Infra/Transport API
  • Bump TransportVersion to the first non-release version number. Transport protocol is now versioned independently of release version. #95286
  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.92 #95575
  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.94.Final #97112
  • Upgrade Lucene to a 9.7.0 snapshot #96433
  • Upgrade to new lucene snapshot 9.7.0-snapshot-a8602d6ef88 #96741