Span containing queryedit

Returns matches which enclose another span query. The span containing query maps to Lucene SpanContainingQuery. Here is an example:

response =
  body: {
    query: {
      span_containing: {
        little: {
          span_term: {
            "field1": 'foo'
        big: {
          span_near: {
            clauses: [
                span_term: {
                  "field1": 'bar'
                span_term: {
                  "field1": 'baz'
            slop: 5,
            in_order: true
puts response
GET /_search
  "query": {
    "span_containing": {
      "little": {
        "span_term": { "field1": "foo" }
      "big": {
        "span_near": {
          "clauses": [
            { "span_term": { "field1": "bar" } },
            { "span_term": { "field1": "baz" } }
          "slop": 5,
          "in_order": true

The big and little clauses can be any span type query. Matching spans from big that contain matches from little are returned.