List Analytics Collectionsedit

This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

Returns information about Analytics Collections.


GET _application/analytics/<criteria>


Requires the manage_behavioral_analytics cluster privilege.

Path parametersedit

(optional, string) Criteria is used to find a matching analytics collection. This could be the name of the collection or a pattern to match multiple. If not specified, will return all analytics collections.

Response codesedit

Criteria does not match any Analytics Collections.

Response codesedit


The following example lists all configured Analytics Collections:

GET _application/analytics/

A sample response:

  "my_analytics_collection": {
      "event_data_stream": {
          "name": "behavioral_analytics-events-my_analytics_collection"
  "my_analytics_collection2": {
      "event_data_stream": {
          "name": "behavioral_analytics-events-my_analytics_collection2"

The following example returns the Analytics Collection that matches my_analytics_collection:

GET _application/analytics/my_analytics_collection

A sample response:

  "my_analytics_collection": {
      "event_data_stream": {
          "name": "behavioral_analytics-events-my_analytics_collection"

The following example returns all Analytics Collections prefixed with my:

GET _application/analytics/my*

A sample response:

  "my_analytics_collection": {
      "event_data_stream": {
          "name": "behavioral_analytics-events-my_analytics_collection"
  "my_analytics_collection2": {
      "event_data_stream": {
          "name": "behavioral_analytics-events-my_analytics_collection2"