Has privileges user profile API


Has privileges user profile APIedit

The user profile feature is designed only for use by Kibana and Elastic’s Observability, Enterprise Search, and Elastic Security solutions. Individual users and external applications should not call this API directly. Elastic reserves the right to change or remove this feature in future releases without prior notice.

Determines whether the users associated with the specified user profile IDs have all the requested privileges.


GET /_security/profile/_has_privileges

POST /_security/profile/_has_privileges


To use this API, you must have at least the read_security cluster privilege (or a greater privilege such as manage_user_profile or manage_security).


This API uses the profile IDs, as returned by Activate user profile, to identify the users for which to check the privileges of. It is similar to the Has privileges API, but unlike it, this API checks the privileges of other users, not of the user that’s calling it.

See Security privileges for the list of privileges that can be specified in this API.

A successful call returns the subset list of profile IDs that have all the requested privileges.

Request bodyedit

(list) A list of profile IDs. The privileges are checked for associated users of the profiles.

The object containing all the privileges to be checked.

(list) A list of the cluster privileges that you want to check.
(list) A list of indices.
(Boolean) This needs to be set to true (default is false) if using wildcards or regexps for patterns that cover restricted indices. Implicitly, restricted indices do not match index patterns because restricted indices usually have limited privileges and including them in pattern tests would render most such tests false. If restricted indices are explicitly included in the names list, privileges will be checked against them regardless of the value of allow_restricted_indices.
(list) A list of the privileges that you want to check for the specified indices.
(string) The name of the application.
(list) A list of the privileges that you want to check for the specified resources. May be either application privilege names, or the names of actions that are granted by those privileges.
(list) A list of resource names against which the privileges should be checked.

Note that the privileges section above is identical to the request body of the other Has Privileges API.

Response bodyedit

A successful has privileges user profile API call returns a JSON structure that contains two fields:

(list) The subset of the requested profile IDs of the users that have all the requested privileges.

(object) Errors encountered while fulfilling the request. This field is absent if there is no error. It does not include the profile IDs of the users that do not have all the requested privileges.

Properties of objects in errors
(number) Total number of errors
(object) The detailed error report with keys being profile IDs and values being the exact errors.


The following example checks whether the two users associated with the specified profiles have all the requested set of cluster, index, and application privileges:

POST /_security/profile/_has_privileges
  "uids": [
  "privileges": {
    "cluster": [ "monitor", "create_snapshot", "manage_ml" ],
    "index" : [
        "names": [ "suppliers", "products" ],
        "privileges": [ "create_doc"]
        "names": [ "inventory" ],
        "privileges" : [ "read", "write" ]
    "application": [
        "application": "inventory_manager",
        "privileges" : [ "read", "data:write/inventory" ],
        "resources" : [ "product/1852563" ]

The following example output indicates that only one of the three users has all the privileges and one of them is not found:

  "has_privilege_uids": ["u_rzRnxDgEHIH0GOUoFkZr5Y27YUwSk19Joiq=g4OCxxB_1"],
  "errors": {
    "count": 1,
    "details": {
      "u_does-not-exist_0": {
        "type": "resource_not_found_exception",
        "reason": "profile document not found"