Elasticsearch version 8.12.1


Elasticsearch version 8.12.1edit

Also see Breaking changes in 8.12.

Known issuesedit

  • When upgrading clusters from version 8.11.4 or earlier, if your cluster contains non-master-eligible nodes, information about the new functionality of these upgraded nodes may not be registered properly with the master node. This can lead to some new functionality added since 8.12.0 not being accessible on the upgraded cluster. If your cluster is running on ECK 2.12.1 and above, this may cause problems with finalizing the upgrade. To resolve this issue, perform a rolling restart on the non-master-eligible nodes once all Elasticsearch nodes are upgraded. This issue is fixed in 8.15.0.

Bug fixesedit

  • Improve CANNOT_REBALANCE_CAN_ALLOCATE explanation #104904
  • [Connector API] Fix bug in configuration validation parser #104198
  • [Connector API] Fix bug when triggering a sync job via API #104802
  • [Profiling] Query in parallel on content nodes #104600
Data streams
  • Data streams fix failure store delete #104281
  • Fix _alias/<alias> returning non-matching data streams #104145 (issue: #96589)
  • Downsampling supports date_histogram with tz #103511 (issue: #101309)
  • Avoid execute ESQL planning on refresh thread #104591
  • ESQL: Allow grouping by null blocks #104523
  • ESQL: Fix SearchStats#count(String) to count values not rows #104891 (issue: #104795)
  • Limit concurrent shards per node for ESQL #104832 (issue: #103666)
  • Reduce the number of Evals ReplaceMissingFieldWithNull creates #104586 (issue: #104583)
  • Limit nesting depth in Exception XContent #103741
Ingest Node
  • Better handling of async processor failures #104289 (issue: #101921)
  • Ingest correctly handle upsert operations and drop processors together #104585 (issue: #36746)
Machine Learning
  • Add retry logic for 500 and 503 errors for OpenAI #103819
  • Avoid possible datafeed infinite loop with filtering aggregations #104722 (issue: #104699)
  • [LTR] FieldValueExtrator - Checking if fetched values is empty #104314
  • Fix lost headers with chunked responses #104808
  • Don’t throw error for remote shards that open PIT filtered out #104288 (issue: #102596)
  • Fix deleting index during snapshot finalization #103817 (issue: #101029)
  • Fix routing_path when template has multiple path_match and multi-fields #104418 (issue: #104400)
  • Fix bug when latest transform is used together with from parameter #104606 (issue: #104543)


Machine Learning
  • Deprecate machine learning on Intel macOS #104087

