Elasticsearch version 6.4.3


Elasticsearch version 6.4.3edit

Also see 6.4.


Machine learning
  • Changes linker options on macOS to allow Homebrew installs (#225)

Bug fixesedit

  • Check self references in metric agg after last doc collection (#33593) #34001
  • ListenableFuture should preserve ThreadContext (CVE-2018-17244) #34394
  • Allow an AuthenticationResult to return metadata #34382 (issues: #34290, #34332)
  • Preserve thread context during authentication #34290
Circuit Breakers
  • Make accounting circuit breaker settings dynamic #34372 (issue: #34368)
Java High Level REST Client
  • HLRC: Fixing bug when getting a missing pipeline #34286 (issue: #34119)
Machine learning
  • Fixes the cause of hard_limit memory errors for jobs with bucket spans greater than one day (#243)
  • Rules that trigger the skip_model_update action should also apply to the anomaly model. This fixes an issue where anomaly scores of results that triggered the rule would decrease if they occurred frequently. #222 (issue: #217)
  • Support PKCS#11 tokens as keystores and truststores #34063 (issue: #11)
  • Correctly handle PKCS#11 tokens for system keystore #33460 (issues: #11, #33459)
  • Security: use x-pack config files when present #33688 (issue: #33464)