Client Settingsedit

The client that you use to connect to S3 has a number of settings available. The settings have the form s3.client.CLIENT_NAME.SETTING_NAME. The default client name that is looked up by an s3 repository is default. It can be modified using the repository setting client. For example:

PUT _snapshot/my_s3_repository
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "my_bucket",
    "client": "my_alternate_client"

Most client settings can be added to the elasticsearch.yml configuration file with the exception of the secure settings, which you add to the Elasticsearch keystore. For more information about creating and updating the Elasticsearch keystore, see Secure settings.

For example, to use explicit AWS access keys:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key

The following list contains the available client settings. Those that must be stored in the keystore are marked as "secure"; the other settings belong in the elasticsearch.yml file.

access_key (Secure)
An s3 access key. The secret_key setting must also be specified.
secret_key (Secure)
An s3 secret key. The access_key setting must also be specified.
The s3 service endpoint to connect to. This will be automatically figured out by the s3 client based on the bucket location, but can be specified explicitly. See
The protocol to use to connect to s3. Valid values are either http or https. Defaults to https.
The host name of a proxy to connect to s3 through.
The port of a proxy to connect to s3 through.
proxy.username (Secure)
The username to connect to the with.
proxy.password (Secure)
The password to connect to the with.
The socket timeout for connecting to s3. The value should specify the unit. For example, a value of 5s specifies a 5 second timeout. The default value is 50 seconds.
The number of retries to use when an s3 request fails. The default value is 3.
Whether retries should be throttled (ie use backoff). Must be true or false. Defaults to true.