
Kibana can be deployed in addition to Elasticsearch, providing a visual window and UI into the data within Elasticsearch. The version of Kibana deployed is always the same as the version of Elasticsearch, ensuring compatibility between the products.

The following parameters can be used to deploy Kibana, and control additional configuration

Whether to deploy Kibana in addition to Elasticsearch. A value of Yes will also deploy Kibana, whilst No will not. Defaults to Yes.
The Azure VM SKU to use for Kibana. Different VM SKUs have different CPU, RAM, temporary storage space and network bandwidth. The Kibana VM always uses standard storage for the OS disk. The default value is Standard_A2.

The template deploys only a single instance of Kibana. You should ensure that a VM SKU of sufficient size is chosen to be service the expected amount of traffic. A larger VM SKU will generally be faster to optimize browser bundles and start up than a smaller VM SKU.

Whether to enable accelerated networking for Kibana, which enables single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) to a VM, greatly improving its networking performance. Valid values are Default, Yes, No. The default is Default, which enables accelerated networking for the VM SKUs known to support it.

Additional configuration that will be applied to the kibana.yml configuration file before start up. Each line must be separated by a \n newline character, for example

" \"My server\"\nkibana.defaultAppId: home" 

"My server" is enclosed within escaped double quotes because it contains whitespace, and is itself inside of a double quoted string.

It is recommended that you run your additional yaml through a linter before starting a deployment, as incorrectly formatted yaml will fail the deployment.

Kibana is deployed with

  • a public IP address, whose fully qualified domain name and IP address can be retrieved from the deployment outputs
  • a network security group that allows TCP traffic from the internet on port 5601, to allow browsers to interact with Kibana. Port 22 also allows TCP traffic from the internet, to allow a user to connect using SSH, and use Kibana as a jumpbox to connect to Elasticsearch node VMs.

Kibana communicates with Elasticsearch through the internal load balancer