Snapshot and restoreedit

Snapshots are an efficient way to ensure that your Elasticsearch indices can be recovered in the event of an accidental deletion, or to migrate data across deployments.

The information here is specific to managing repositories and snapshots in Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku. We also support the Elasticsearch snapshot and restore API to back up your data. For details, consult the Snapshot and Restore documentation.

The snapshot lifecycle management API and the features associated with it are currently available only in the Elastic Stack version 7.6 and above.

When you create a cluster in Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku, a default repository called found-snapshots is automatically added to the cluster. This repository is specific to that cluster: the deployment ID is part of the repository’s base_path, i.e., /snapshots/[cluster-id].

The default repository found-snapshots defined in the cloud-snapshot-policy should not be changed; this is not supported. Some features, such as the creation of a new deployment from a snapshot, restoring a snapshot to a different deployment, or snapshot automation when a deployment change is triggered, rely on the proper configuration of the found-snapshots repository and the cloud-snapshot-policy SLM policy. To use a custom snapshot repository you can register a new snapshot repository and SLM policy. You can customize the snapshot retention settings of the cloud-snapshot-policy SLM policy for the found-snapshots repository.

To get started with snapshots, check out the following pages: