Other execution environmentsedit

AWS Lambda Supportedit

AWS Lambda functions can be instrumented with OpenTelemetry and monitored with Elastic Observability.

To get started, follow the official AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda getting started documentation and configure the OpenTelemetry Collector to output traces and metrics to your Elastic cluster.

Instrumenting AWS Lambda Java functionsedit

For a better startup time, we recommend using SDK-based instrumentation, i.e. manual instrumentation of the code, rather than auto instrumentation.

To instrument AWS Lambda Java functions, follow the official AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda Support For Java.

Noteworthy configuration elements:

  • AWS Lambda Java functions should extend com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.RequestHandler,

    public class ExampleRequestHandler implements RequestHandler<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent> {
        public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent event, Context context) {
            // add your code ...
  • When using SDK-based instrumentation, frameworks you want to gain visibility of should be manually instrumented

  • The configuration of the OpenTelemetry Collector, with the definition of the Elastic Observability endpoint, can be added to the root directory of the Lambda binaries (e.g. defined in src/main/resources/opentelemetry-collector.yaml)

    # Copy opentelemetry-collector.yaml in the root directory of the lambda function
    # Set an environment variable 'OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_CONFIG_FILE' to '/var/task/opentelemetry-collector.yaml'
        loglevel: debug
        # Elastic APM server https endpoint without the "https://" prefix
        endpoint: "${ELASTIC_OTLP_ENDPOINT}" 
          # Elastic APM Server secret token
          Authorization: "Bearer ${ELASTIC_OTLP_TOKEN}" 
          receivers: [otlp]
          exporters: [logging, otlp/elastic]
          receivers: [otlp]
          exporters: [logging, otlp/elastic]
          receivers: [otlp]
          exporters: [logging, otlp/elastic]

    Environment-specific configuration parameters can be conveniently passed in as environment variables: ELASTIC_OTLP_ENDPOINT and ELASTIC_OTLP_TOKEN

  • Configure the AWS Lambda Java function with:

    • Function layer: The latest AWS Lambda layer for OpenTelemetry (e.g. arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-ver-1-2-0:1)
    • TracingConfig / Mode set to PassTrough
    • FunctionConfiguration / Timeout set to more than 10 seconds to support the longer cold start inherent to the Lambda Java Runtime
    • Export the environment variables:

      • AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER="/opt/otel-proxy-handler" for wrapping handlers proxied through the API Gateway (see here)
      • OTEL_PROPAGATORS="tracecontext, baggage" to override the default setting that also enables X-Ray headers causing interferences between OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
      • OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_CONFIG_FILE="/var/task/opentelemetry-collector.yaml" to specify the path to your OpenTelemetry Collector configuration

Instrumenting AWS Lambda Java functions with Terraformedit

We recommend using an infrastructure as code solution like Terraform or Ansible to manage the configuration of your AWS Lambda functions.

Here is an example of AWS Lambda Java function managed with Terraform and the AWS Provider / Lambda Functions:

Instrumenting AWS Lambda Node.js functionsedit

For a better startup time, we recommend using SDK-based instrumentation for manual instrumentation of the code rather than auto instrumentation.

To instrument AWS Lambda Node.js functions, see AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda Support For JavaScript.

The configuration of the OpenTelemetry Collector, with the definition of the Elastic Observability endpoint, can be added to the root directory of the Lambda binaries: src/main/resources/opentelemetry-collector.yaml.

# Copy opentelemetry-collector.yaml in the root directory of the lambda function
# Set an environment variable 'OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_CONFIG_FILE' to '/var/task/opentelemetry-collector.yaml'

    loglevel: debug
    # Elastic APM server https endpoint without the "https://" prefix
    endpoint: "${ELASTIC_OTLP_ENDPOINT}" 
      # Elastic APM Server secret token
      Authorization: "Bearer ${ELASTIC_OTLP_TOKEN}" 

      receivers: [otlp]
      exporters: [logging, otlp/elastic]
      receivers: [otlp]
      exporters: [logging, otlp/elastic]
      receivers: [otlp]
      exporters: [logging, otlp/elastic]

Environment-specific configuration parameters can be conveniently passed in as environment variables: ELASTIC_OTLP_ENDPOINT and ELASTIC_OTLP_TOKEN

Configure the AWS Lambda Node.js function:

  • Function layer: The latest AWS Lambda layer for OpenTelemetry. For example, arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-nodejs-ver-0-23-0:1)
  • TracingConfig / Mode set to PassTrough
  • FunctionConfiguration / Timeout set to more than 10 seconds to support the cold start of the Lambda JavaScript Runtime
  • Export the environment variables:

    • AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER="/opt/otel-handler" for wrapping handlers proxied through the API Gateway. See enable auto instrumentation for your lambda-function.
    • OTEL_PROPAGATORS="tracecontext" to override the default setting that also enables X-Ray headers causing interferences between OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
    • OPENTELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_CONFIG_FILE="/var/task/opentelemetry-collector.yaml" to specify the path to your OpenTelemetry Collector configuration.
    • OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER="AlwaysOn" define the required sampler strategy if it is not sent from the caller. Note that Always_on can potentially create a very large amount of data, so in production set the correct sampling configuration, as per the specification.

Instrumenting AWS Lambda Node.js functions with Terraformedit

To manage the configuration of your AWS Lambda functions, we recommend using an infrastructure as code solution like Terraform or Ansible.

Here is an example of AWS Lambda Node.js function managed with Terraform and the AWS Provider / Lambda Functions:

Next stepsedit