
OpenTelemetry tracesedit

  • Traces of applications using messaging semantics might be wrongly displayed as transactions in the APM UI, while they should be considered spans (see issue #7001).
  • Inability to see Stack traces in spans.
  • Inability in APM views to view the "Time Spent by Span Type" (see issue #5747).
  • Metrics derived from traces (throughput, latency, and errors) are not accurate when traces are sampled before being ingested by Elastic Observability, for example, by an OpenTelemetry Collector or OpenTelemetry APM agent or SDK (see issue #472). Consider using Tail-based sampling instead.

OpenTelemetry metricsedit

  • Inability to see host metrics in Elastic Metrics Infrastructure view when using the OpenTelemetry Collector host metrics receiver (see issue #5310).

OpenTelemetry Line Protocol (OTLP)edit

APM Server supports both the (OTLP/gRPC) and (OTLP/HTTP) protocol with ProtoBuf payload. APM Server does not yet support JSON Encoding for OTLP/HTTP.

OpenTelemetry Collector exporter for Elasticedit

The OpenTelemetry Collector exporter for Elastic was deprecated in 7.13 and replaced by the native support of the OpenTelemetry Line Protocol in Elastic Observability (OTLP). To learn more, see migration.