Tech Topics

Marvel 1.3.1 Released

Today, we are happy to announce the release of Elasticsearch Marvel 1.3.1. This is a bug fix release focusing on improving agent resiliency and fixing minor issues discovered since the release of Shield, our security product.

Although this release doesn’t add many new features, we recommend upgrading at the first opportunity. To upgrade, you must install the latest Marvel plugin on all of your Elasticsearch nodes. As with any other Java plugin, you will need to restart each node (one by one) in order for the newer version of Marvel to become active. The upgrade process is described in more detail in the Marvel documentation.

Here is a complete list of all the goodness that went into this release:


  • Added: add timeouts to better deal with unresponsive ES nodes / hiccups.
  • Added: Allow SSL hostname verification to be disabled.
  • Fixed: Node failed to start if HTTP is disabled.
  • Fixed: Potential NPE if HTTP server didn’t start fast enough.
  • Fixed: marvel.agent.indices wasn’t dynamically updatable when using a single value or a comma separated list.
  • Fixed: unused shield SSL settings caused errors during start up.

Monitoring UI

  • Fixed: Upgraded Kibana3 to latest version, fixing a wrap around issue in Safari.


  • Added: Cluster health’s level url parameter.
  • Added: _recovery API.
  • Fixed: trailing space after URL broke request parsing.
  • Added: _search_shards API.

As always, we welcome all feedback so we can continue improving Elasticsearch Marvel. Please send questions, praise, or pains to the Elasticsearch User Mailing List or find us on Twitter.