Tech Topics

Kibana 3.1 is out!

Kibana 3.1 has been tagged and released! In addition to the usual smattering of bug fixes and small tweaks we have added a few fun features we’d love to share with you.

Extended statistics

The stats panel has been expanded to include all eight statistics Elasticsearch makes available. Of course all can be toggled, and sorted.

A stats button in the table

In addition to the terms button, we’ve added a stats button to create an adhoc stats panel. The button is type aware; it only appears for numeric fields.

Drag it to the dashboard

In addition to the new stats button in the table, both the terms and stats panels in the table can be dragged directly onto the dashboard by grabbing their move icon. This means no more going through the menus if all you need is a quick panel, just drag it from the table onto your existing dashboard. After you’ve dragged it to the dashboard, grab the right edge of the panel and drag to resize!

Help us out!

Have a great idea for a feature? Find a bug and want to fix it? Head over to the Kibana github project. Have some really great ideas? And the passion and skills to implement them? We’re working on the next generation of Kibana right now, come work with us.