IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Match Usage
editMatch Usage
editFluent DSL example
editq .Match(c => c .Field(p => p.Description) .Analyzer("standard") .Boost(1.1) .Query("hello world") .Fuzziness(Fuzziness.AutoLength(3, 6)) .Lenient() .FuzzyTranspositions() .MinimumShouldMatch(2) .Operator(Operator.Or) .FuzzyRewrite(MultiTermQueryRewrite.TopTermsBlendedFreqs(10)) .Name("named_query") .AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery(false) )
Object Initializer syntax example
editnew MatchQuery { Field = Field<Project>(p => p.Description), Analyzer = "standard", Boost = 1.1, Name = "named_query", Query = "hello world", Fuzziness = Fuzziness.AutoLength(3, 6), FuzzyTranspositions = true, MinimumShouldMatch = 2, FuzzyRewrite = MultiTermQueryRewrite.TopTermsBlendedFreqs(10), Lenient = true, Operator = Operator.Or, AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery = false }
Example json output.
{ "match": { "description": { "_name": "named_query", "boost": 1.1, "query": "hello world", "analyzer": "standard", "fuzzy_rewrite": "top_terms_blended_freqs_10", "fuzziness": "AUTO:3,6", "fuzzy_transpositions": true, "lenient": true, "minimum_should_match": 2, "operator": "or", "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": false } } }