Intervals Usage


An intervals query allows fine-grained control over the order and proximity of matching terms. Matching rules are constructed from a small set of definitions, and the rules are then applied to terms from a particular field.

The definitions produce sequences of minimal intervals that span terms in a body of text. These intervals can be further combined and filtered by parent sources.

Be sure to read the Elasticsearch documentation on Intervals query

Fluent DSL example

.Intervals(c => c
    .Field(p => p.Description)
    .AnyOf(any => any
        .Intervals(i => i
            .Match(m => m
                .Query("my favourite food")
                .Filter(f => f
                    .Containing(co => co
                        .Match(mm => mm
            .AllOf(all => all
                .Intervals(ii => ii
                    .Match(m => m
                        .Query("hot water")
                    .Match(m => m
                        .Query("cold porridge")
                .Filter(f => f
                    .Script(s => s
                        .Source("interval.start > 0 && interval.end < 200")

Object Initializer syntax example

new IntervalsQuery
    Field = Field<Project>(p => p.Description),
    Name = "named_query",
    Boost = 1.1,
    AnyOf = new IntervalsAnyOf
        Intervals = new IntervalsContainer[]
            new IntervalsMatch
                Query = "my favourite food",
                MaxGaps = 5,
                Ordered = true,
                Filter = new IntervalsFilter
                    Containing = new IntervalsMatch
                        Query = "kimchy"
            new IntervalsAllOf
                Intervals = new IntervalsContainer[]
                    new IntervalsMatch
                        Query = "hot water",
                    new IntervalsMatch
                        Query = "cold porridge",
                Filter = new IntervalsFilter
                    Script = new InlineScript("interval.start > 0 && interval.end < 200")

Example json output.

  "intervals": {
    "description": {
      "_name": "named_query",
      "boost": 1.1,
      "any_of": {
        "intervals": [
            "match": {
              "query": "my favourite food",
              "max_gaps": 5,
              "ordered": true,
              "filter": {
                "containing": {
                  "match": {
                    "query": "kimchy"
            "all_of": {
              "intervals": [
                  "match": {
                    "query": "hot water"
                  "match": {
                    "query": "cold porridge"
              "filter": {
                "script": {
                  "source": "interval.start > 0 && interval.end < 200"

Prefix and Wildcard rules


Prefix and Wildcard rules can be used to search for intervals that contain terms starting with a prefix, or match a pattern, respectively.

Only available in Elasticsearch 7.3.0+

Fluent DSL example

.Intervals(c => c
    .Field(p => p.Description)
    .AnyOf(any => any
        .Intervals(i => i
            .Wildcard(m => m
                .Pattern(IntervalsPrefix + "*")
            .Prefix(m => m

Object Initializer syntax example

new IntervalsQuery
    Field = Field<Project>(p => p.Description),
    Name = "named_query",
    Boost = 1.1,
    AnyOf = new IntervalsAnyOf
        Intervals = new IntervalsContainer[]
            new IntervalsWildcard
                Pattern = IntervalsPrefix + "*"
            new IntervalsPrefix
                Prefix = IntervalsPrefix

Example json output.

  "intervals": {
    "description": {
      "_name": "named_query",
      "boost": 1.1,
      "any_of": {
        "intervals": [
            "wildcard": {
              "pattern": "lorem*"
            "prefix": {
              "prefix": "lorem"

Fuzzy rules


Fuzzy rules can be used to match terms that are similar to the provided term, within an edit distance defined by Fuzziness. If the fuzzy expansion matches more than 128 terms, Elasticsearch returns an error.

Only available in Elasticsearch 7.6.0+

Fluent DSL example

.Intervals(c => c
    .Field(p => p.Description)
    .Fuzzy(m => m

Object Initializer syntax example

new IntervalsQuery
    Field = Field<Project>(p => p.Description),
    Name = "named_query",
    Boost = 1.1,
    Fuzzy = new IntervalsFuzzy
        Term = IntervalsFuzzy,
        Fuzziness = Fuzziness.Auto

Example json output.

  "intervals": {
    "description": {
      "_name": "named_query",
      "boost": 1.1,
      "fuzzy": {
        "term": "lorem",
        "fuzziness": "AUTO"