Index name inference


Many endpoints within the Elasticsearch API expect to receive one or more index names as part of the request, in order to know what index/indices a request should operate on.

NEST has a number of ways in which the index name(s) can be specified

Default Index name on Connection Settings


A default index name can be specified on ConnectionSettings using .DefaultIndex(). This is the default index name to use, when no other index name can be resolved for a request

var settings = new ConnectionSettings()

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
var searchResponse = client.Search<Project>();

set the default index

will send a search request to the API endpoint


Index name for a .NET type


An index name can be mapped for a Plain Old CLR Object (POCO) using .DefaultMappingFor<T>() on ConnectionSettings

var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
    .DefaultMappingFor<Project>(m => m

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
var searchResponse = client.Search<Project>();

will send a search request to the API endpoint


.DefaultMappingFor<T>() can also be used to specify other defaults for a POCO, including property names, property to use for the document id, amongst others.

An index name for a POCO provided using .DefaultMappingFor<T>() will take precedence over the default index name set on ConnectionSettings. This way, the client can be configured with a default index to use if no index is specified, and a specific index to use for different POCO types.

var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
    .DefaultMappingFor<Project>(m => m

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

var projectSearchResponse = client.Search<Project>();

a default index to use, when no other index can be inferred

a index to use when Project is the target POCO type

will send a search request to the API endpoint



var objectSearchResponse = client.Search<object>();

will send a search request to the API endpoint


Explicitly specifying Index name on the request


For API calls that expect an index name, an index name can be explicitly provided on the request

var settings = new ConnectionSettings();
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

var response = client.Search<Project>(s => s

Provide the index name on the request

will send a search request to the API endpoint


When an index name is provided on a request, it will take precedence over the default index name specified on ConnectionSettings, and any index name specified for the POCO using .DefaultMappingFor<T>(). The following example will send a search request to the same API endpoint as the previous example

var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
    .DefaultMappingFor<Project>(m => m

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

var response = client.Search<Project>(s => s

In summary, the order of precedence for determining the index name for a request is

  1. Index name specified on the request
  2. Index name specified for the generic type parameter in the request using .DefaultMappingFor<T>()
  3. Default index name specified on ConnectionSettings

If no index can be determined for a request that requires an index, the client will throw an exception to indicate that this is the case.