Running as a Service on Windowsedit

Added in 0.90.5.

Windows users can configure Elasticsearch to run as a service to run in the background or start automatically at startup without any user interaction. This can be achieved through service.bat script under bin/ folder which allows one to install, remove, manage or configure the service and potentially start and stop the service, all from the command-line.


Usage: service.bat install|remove|start|stop|manager [SERVICE_ID]

The script requires one parameter (the command to execute) followed by an optional one indicating the service id (useful when installing multiple Elasticsearch services).

The commands available are:


Install Elasticsearch as a service


Remove the installed Elasticsearch service (and stop the service if started)


Start the Elasticsearch service (if installed)


Stop the Elasticsearch service (if started)


Start a GUI for managing the installed service

Note that the environment configuration options available during the installation are copied and will be used during the service lifecycle. This means any changes made to them after the installation will not be picked up unless the service is reinstalled.

Based on the architecture of the available JDK/JRE (set through JAVA_HOME), the appropriate 64-bit(x64) or 32-bit(x86) service will be installed. This information is made available during install:

c:\elasticsearch-0.90.5\bin>service install
Installing service      :  "elasticsearch-service-x64"
Using JAVA_HOME (64-bit):  "c:\jvm\jdk1.7"
The service 'elasticsearch-service-x64' has been installed.

While a JRE can be used for the Elasticsearch service, due to its use of a client VM (as oppose to a server JVM which offers better performance for long-running applications) its usage is discouraged and a warning will be issued.