IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Shared API for package org.elasticsearch.index.mapper
editShared API for package org.elasticsearch.index.mapper
editSee the Shared API for a high-level overview of all packages and classes.
edit- boolean add(def)
- void add(int, def)
- boolean addAll(Collection)
- boolean addAll(int, Collection)
- boolean any(Predicate)
- Collection asCollection()
- List asList()
- void clear()
- List collect(Function)
- def collect(Collection, Function)
- boolean contains(def)
- boolean containsAll(Collection)
- def each(Consumer)
- def eachWithIndex(ObjIntConsumer)
- boolean equals(Object)
- boolean every(Predicate)
- def find(Predicate)
- List findAll(Predicate)
- def findResult(Function)
- def findResult(def, Function)
- List findResults(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- String get(int)
- int getLength()
- String getValue()
- Map groupBy(Function)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(def)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- String join(String)
- int lastIndexOf(def)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ListIterator listIterator(int)
- def remove(int)
- boolean removeAll(Collection)
- boolean removeIf(Predicate)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator)
- boolean retainAll(Collection)
- def set(int, def)
- int size()
- void sort(Comparator)
- List split(Predicate)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- Stream stream()
- List subList(int, int)
- double sum()
- double sum(ToDoubleFunction)
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(def[])
- String toString()