



Elastic Stack 5.2.0 Released

​Say ‘Heya!’ to 5.2.0 It is, again, a substantive release with features and functionality in nearly all areas of the Elastic Stack.

Elasticsearch 5.2.0 released

Elasticsearch 5.2.0 includes numeric and date range fields, the cluster-allocation-explain API, keyword normalizers, and partitionable terms aggregations.

Kibana 5.2.0 released

Kibana 5.2.0 has been released. It includes a heatmap visualization and the return of tribe node querying via Kibana.

Beats 5.2.0 released

Beats 5.2.0 is released!

Designing the intelligent assistant: Part 1, design principles

Monitoring Logstash Filters: X-ray glasses included

Brewing in Beats: Monitor PHP-FPM and Ceph

With the Brewing in Beats series, we're keeping you up to date with all that's new in Beats, from the details of pull requests to learning resources.

This Week in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene - 2017-01-30

Kibana Plugin Developers meet Elasticsearch Clusters

Plugin developers, find out what's coming in Kibana 5.2